Sometimes I discover things that just strike me as funny for no particular reason. It's a sort of Daily Show "Moment of Zen" sort of thing. (Not that I'm particularly convinced that this has anything to do with Zen, but that's another discussion for another forum.) The long range weather forecast from this morning is an example. It's been predicting this long rainy spell for much of the last week. Amusingly, it's actually quite nice out at the moment. Perhaps this is all some elaborate plan to steal honey. "Tut Tut...?" (Pooh looks down innocently from his perch on the bookshelf.)
We get to watch The Daily Show now. The new digital channel More 4 has taken to airing it on weekday evenings. This is a bit of a mixed blessing. Much as I think this show is really funny, it also acts as a reminder of how truly screwed up the US is right now, which is kinda depressing. I used to browse the New York Times online fairly often but I've given up now. I don't really like reading American news anymore.
I have started reading an English newspaper recently. The Guardian recently had a high-profile relaunch with a new format, which prompted me to check it out. Ironically, The Guardian's publicity campaign actually resulted in making me a regular reader of The Independent. The writing in The Guardian was fine, but the format was truly horrible. It's frankly rather USA Today-ish: Lots of call-outs from the front page, lots of color, and side bars, and info-graphics, etc. It's like a newspaper created by ADD-afflicted editors from heat magazine. Yuck! The best part about the new Guardian is the shape, which folds very nicely into a bag or briefcase. I just can't read it. It feels like a newspaper that could cause an epileptic seizure. Still, I guess it's colourful, (colorful for those reading in America). Perhaps it's all a response to the weather.
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