Monday, December 25, 2006

A Christmas of Chaos and Ideas

Lazarus slept in for Christmas morning, not getting up until about 10AM. Probably the last time that will happen for a while! Generally, I think he did really about as well as could've been expected. He quite liked going through his stocking and getting his present from Santa (a set of Doctor Who action figures). The opening of christmas presents proper, however, soon overwhelmed him. The chaos of that many excited people in one room is quite a bit to take for a guy who usually only sees his mom and dad in any given day. He still enjoyed things, but we had to periodically escape to the quiet upstairs and take a break. Still a couple of presents left to open for him. He just got beyond it after a while.

The sharing of ideas seemed to be a theme, perhaps mostly instigated by Sunshine and I who asked for bunches of technical books for christmas. We gave David a copy of SES which was well timed, as he asked me just last night were he should start with Wilber. Jeremy, prompted by our conversation last week gave me a copy of Mere Christianity which should prove interesting. It certainly seems as if a conversation of sorts may be starting.

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