Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Tallahassee Dreaming on Such a Winter's Day

So I've been interviewing for a faculty job here in Tallahassee, and the weather has been rather chilly. Apparently this is unusual as all the locals are complaining about it as well. It's not any warmer here than it was in London. But at least the day is longer. It's nice to at least get a little sunlight.

The interview seems to be going reasonably well. At least I don't think I've said anything too stupid, and my talk seemed to come off OK. Its nice to interview at a place where someone is actively pulling for me. In principle they were pulling for me at Liverpool, but I don't know how committed any of the Liverpool folks really were to the idea of getting me up there. Peter certainly seems to be actively gunning for me and its nice to feel like I might be a bit of a front runner. Time will tell I guess, and time is going to be a bit slow. I probably won't hear anything until the end of Feb at the earliest.

The department is interesting. It's a huge physics department here with several interdisciplinary splinters. They all seem quite upbeat about building an Astrophysics group. I've also had about 6 different people tell me that the department is very 'collegiate'. Apparently it has become a part of the group mythology and is probably therefore a bit of a self fulfilling prophecy. Even Peter has become a bit of an optimist. He'd probably be really happy if his wife wasn't making quite a bit of misery in his non-professional life.

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