Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Hopefully out from under whatever rock I've been hiding under

Cough, cough..

Phew, it’s dusty in here...

Ok, so that was a long break. Been a while since I’ve done this. My blogging muscles are atrophied.

So, yeah, I seem to have fallen out of the habit of blogging regularly. Actually, I’ve fallen out of the habit of doing much of anything regularly. This teaching gig turns out to be rather time intensive. Still, I need to start being more efficient with my time, and what better way than by starting another time commitment?

Of course it is also true that my class is taking their 2 hour final exam, and I’m stuck here with very little to do on a slow news day. I’ve pretty much exhausted my usual web resources, at least the quiet ones. So this is perhaps just a brief flick while I wait for something more interesting. Still, I’d like to think it was a new beginning.

Yikes. This is pretty rough. I’m definitely out of practice. Brain is muggy and sluggish. I need to get back to zen too. The school thing pretty much knocked me out of all my other activities. I think I’m beginning to get on top of it now (now that the course is over!). It comes down to needing to be more efficient and decisive with my time. I need to spend less time dithering and more time doing. It’s an overhead thing. Not something that comes particularly natural to me though. I’m more of the steam locomotive type: slow to build momentum, slow to stop. It’s not a very 21st century metaphor, and indeed, not a very 21st century mode of doing. Needs must and so I must.

I wonder if my test is too long. It is certainly harder than the midterm I gave. But that was probably too easy. The students don’t seem to be complaining too much, so I guess I’ll just have to wait and see. Thirty-five minutes to go.

Brain gone.... awareness absent... not the absence of zazen but the absence of sleep, of oblivion. Sleepy brain. This must go. The sleeper must awaken. The spice must flow. The words must flow, but they are slow. They stop, they go... my mind blanks looking for more “oh” words. Screen full of snow, empty static. Although static isn’t. A snow filled screen is actually kinetic and stochastic. Anything but static, and yet that’s was we call it.

This stream of consciousness winds multi helix through the hills of questionable grammar and no particular direction. A random walk indeed. Stochastic me, like brownian tea, pinging my way through a Boltzmann sea. How now spherical cow?

Well that was fun, but the moment has passed. My concentration span is weak old man. (But apparently my random reference machine is overstimulated!)

Yawn yawn yawn (she loves you?)

Gorsh, I am feeling a bit goofy this morning. 17 minutes to go.

Blank. No verse. “Zeros. Zeros mean so much.”

Are you entertained? Spoken like a saturday morning TV presenter on the BBC in a tiny hotel room in the Kings Cross area of London.

Ping! “...and one of them means nothing at all (the number zero).”

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