Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Strange idiom that... Nobody even uses a shoe horn any more. It’s an idiom which has entirely shed it’s origins. Almost as mysterious as Cockney rhyming.

Anyway, shoe-horned it is, as it is being written under a hard time limit imposed by the fact that I have another class to teach in 19 minutes. However, as I missed my opportunity this morning, and I’m unlikely to do much new in that time period, I thought I’d use it this way.

Still rusty. That’s for certain.

Why do I have REO Speedwagon in my head? Why, why, why? Perhaps it was Sunshine’s doing, but I don’t have any recollection of it recently, and it seems a bit on an unlikely candidate for NPRs background music this morning.

Yikes, does that make me feel like my parents! The clock radio in our room is now set to the local NPR station, and it totally reminds me of mornings as a kid waking up to the strains of “All Things Considered” wafting out of my parents bedroom. Of course, the downside of listening to NPR in the morning is that it starts your day with the panic alarms going off. Who needs caffeine when you have the thought of Sarah Palin in the White House to start your day?

Nothing makes me miss England like American politics. Actually it’s not American politics per se, it’s really American culture which is generally depressing. I guess I am exactly the sort of leftist elite over-educated Eurocentric snob that Republican politicians tell people to hate.

Also, I seem to be nostalgic for trains now...

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