Saturday, October 25, 2008

Still Life With "Poba"

It's a lovely cool fall Saturday afternoon, and I'm out in the front yard with Laz. It's been rainy and cold the last couple of days, so the clear skies, slight breeze and bright afternoon sunshine are a welcome change.

Lazarus is playing with a small elevated water table his mama bought him the other day. And a plastic lion. The boy is just carzy about animals right now. He's been particularly fond of playing with a polar bear in the front yard. In fact he's rather into "poba's" in general right now.

He's also started playing with phrases a lot recently, inventing a number of call and response games. "Whose house?" "mama's house" (or Laz's, or Daddy's or Zebra's etc.) "no (noun), nasty (noun). Nasty apple too, and she spilled her milk all over the table.". The latter picked up from a recently rediscovered favorite book.

Back inside now, hanging out on Laz's couch while he watches "Ice Worlds," the Planet Earth episode of choice at the moment. (Again with the "poba".)

"Noway" says the boy. I think I was commenting on the penguins ("pegins"). Sunshine inspires a "Oops," which for some reason is now usually followed with "Mama's in the house."

"There they go!"

"And now we sleeeep. (Darth Vader style snore)"

"Eyes... Eat eyes... Teeth... Eat teeth."

And so on.

Posted with LifeCast

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