Sunday, November 16, 2008

LiveBlogging the IPMU supernova workshop: Sergi Blinnikov

Radiative Shocks vs Other Models of the Most Luminous SNe

        First messengers from core collapse: Neutrinos? Gravitational Waves, Radio Waves? (Early radio pulse?) (Bisnovati-Kogan et al, 1988 for SN 1987A) This speculation about a neutrino induced prompt radio pulse is kicking up a fair bit of discussion.
        Shocks inside SNe. Computation of shock breakout. Optical depth ~10. Termination of shock acceleration... missed that... Ah. a plot of optical depth near shock breakout...
        Formation of a thin shell at the outside. Chevalier and so on... shock interaction... Cold dense shell... Model for bright SNe: Chugai et al. 04, Woosley et al 07. Cold dense shell on the inside of large CS envelope. Shock cannot breakout completely for several years.... Dense shell is not adiabatic but nearly isothermal... 4 orders of magnitude in density jump...
Comparison to other models Radioactive needs very large Ni mass. 64FOE... Diffusion... Atmospheric....
        06gy... 1 FOE in light. 2 orders of mag more than normal SN II. If radioactive, need large energy. Why xray low if shock.... missed some more...Something went by about entropy. Yikes, he’s just blowing past lots of stuff.
        Back to the McCray diffusion model. Some referencing old Russian papers... Diffusion lengths are really much shorter... can’t make it fit.
        Back to shocks.... Chugai again... Oh dear, Dessart & Hillier, et al.... density profiles not self consistent. Missed limb brightening effect due to shell.... Photospheric radius wrong...
        Huge shells from PP instability producing large pulsations in ~100 Msun stars.
        Conclusions: He prefers radiating shocks for energy production... poo-poos pure diffusion and pure atmospheric models...
        Discussion... X-rays are self absorbed until later times.... Lifan complains about 1D vs 3D...

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