Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Flotsam & Jetsam

So I'll borrow the working title of the first episode of Torchwood. (Eventually called "Everything Changes" upon broadcast)...

Went to Lunar House in Croydon yesterday to get Lazarus' visa status sorted out. £500 for a small yellow piece of paper and some peace of mind. Now we can go back to the states for Christmas and not have to worry about any unpleasant surprises upon our return. We could probably have gotten away with something cheaper, but with the potential downsides being pretty unpleasant, this seemed the most prudent option.

In other news, it appears that our proposal to upgrade the infrared camera on the Liverpool Telescope has been suddenly and unexpectedly triaged and killed. We were on the schedule for the PPRP meeting next week, but apparently there was a late change to the rules and we got killed by a committee which wasn't even originally supposed to have seen the proposal. Ah well... It looks progressively less and less likely that we will be staying in the UK after this summer. As it stands I currently only have an Advanced Fellowship proposal and a lectureship application at Keele still pending. Roll on the US job market... (Which is hitting full steam right now).

Meanwhile, I've been getting *looks* for my choice of Tube reading the last couple of days. Even here in what must be one of the most secular cities in the world, reading Richard Dawkins' The God Delusion seems to draw disapproving looks. I can't imagine how it must go down in the states. The raving blue meme-ies really do scare the hell out of me sometimes. (Usually just about anytime I think about them...) Oh well, that's enough for the moment. I must now meditate on a teaching philosophy.

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