Thursday, November 02, 2006

Testing Testing

Cough Cough...  Lot of dust around here.  Amazing how fast dust collects in cyberspace.

So I see I haven't posted since January.  Well, I guess I shouldn't really be surprised.  It was rather ambitious of me to start when I did.  Moving along...

So here I am testing the Blogger widget in "Dashboard".  I'm not sure I really see the point in dashboard.  It seems like it's a reinvention of the old Desktop Accessories idea, which pretty much fell by the wayside in OS X.  Only now they've moved it into some sort of weird half-lit pseudo desktop which appears over the real desktop.  I haven't tried to see how much they interact with one another.  Who knows, maybe I will warm to it.  I do like the Tube service widget.  

Posting from a new laptop.  Well, technically it's a hand-me-down, bought for Monica a few months before her grant ran out, but it's been sitting around collecting dust for several months.  So when Sunshine's laptop went belly up earlier in the week, I ended up with this one, which is fine.  It's really much more powerful than I really need.

Hmm... This blog editor doesn't scroll, it just expands the window.  I guess that's one way of encouraging a short post, if you can't see past the bottom of the screen.  

Perhaps I should see if this actually publishes correctly.

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