Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Sundry Catchup

To begin with, some catch up: First, it appears that we are headed to Tallahassee. They are making me an offer for the assistant professorship, and I am going to take it. Whoo hoo! I have joined the landed gentry. Hooray! And that reminds me, Doctor Who starts on Saturday. Hooray! And spring is here! The light is back! Hooray! Celebrations all round.

I've also (perhaps foolishly), waded into the bizarre waters of the Integral Institute forums. You may or may not be able to find my posts here and here. The article referred to in the first forum is in the second issue of AQAL Journal, which you may or may not be able to access here. Mostly, I think I've discovered that Wilberites irritate my shadow. This may or may not be interesting to watch.

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