Thursday, March 29, 2007

Transcendental Gestalt Switches

Blogging on the met line back from Hampstead again. Tonight's revelation came in the BS session after the sitting. The topic of Big Mind came up and someone mentioned that the voice of "The Way" was a great embodiment of the entire teaching for him. The idea being that the phrase "I am the Way" is none other than full zen embodiment. Which was interesting, because I heard that phrase differently. In the Big Mind DVD Genpo Roshi leads the group through the dualistic Desire, The Seeking Mind, The Mind that Seeks the Way, and The Follower of the Way, and then to The Way. So to me, The Way was my entry to nondual, and the exit was the "Integrated Free-Functioning Human Being." But his point is just as valid, and indeed the phrase "I am the Way" can be heard as "I am nothing but the Way", but it can also be heard as "The Way is just me." It's like one of those Gestalt images where the faces turn into a vase or the other way round.

So then I mentioned that I had a disturbing reaction to The Master, and someone pointed out that it was intended to have the connotation of Zen Master. ie, Obi Wan Kenobi, not the guy with a whip, or the owner of the plantation, or some sort of supreme being, which is how I heard it. (Can we say shadow projection? Very good boys and girls.) Still... It's interesting to me that you can hear these things in different ways and they trigger entirely different experiences. Thus art to me is transcendent, but it could also be heard as the voice of delusion or deception. Hmmm....

Not really sure where this is going...

Do You Realize? by the Flaming Lips sounds very Zen to me tonight.

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